Visualizing the Thomas Fire’s Burn Scar and AQI impacts

Using Landsat Collection 2 level-2 data & AQI reports

December 8, 2023

About This Project

The Thomas Fire of December 2017, recognized as California’s largest recorded wildfire up to that point, encompassed approximately 281,893 acres in Ventura County. It prompted the evacuation of more than 104,607 residents and tragically resulted in two fatalities. This analysis examines the fire’s environmental impacts, using satellite data and fire perimeter shapefiles to create a false color image of the fire scar and assess its influence on air quality in Santa Barbara. The utilization of vector and raster data, along with basic time series analysis, aims to provide a data-driven understanding of the environmental consequences stemming from the Thomas Fire.


This exercise aims to: 1) create a false color image showing the fire scar of the Thomas fire in 2017 2) visualize the Thomas fire’s impact on air quality in Santa Barbara

Highlights of analysis:

  • Fetch vector data from an online repository
  • Visualize raster data using false color imagery
  • Time series analysis

Dataset descriptions:

Landsat Burn Scar Data
  • A simplified collection of bands (red, green, blue, near-infrared and shortwave infrared) from the Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 atmosperically corrected surface reflectance data, collected by the Landsat 8 satellite.
California Fire Perimeters
AQI Data

References to datasets.

  • Landsat Data: The data was accessed and pre-processed in the Microsoft Planetary Computer to remove data outside land and coarsen the spatial resolution (Landsat Collection in MPC).

  • CA Shapefile: The complete file can be accessed in the CA state geoportal (see previous link). A local copy is stored in a hidden folder in this repo. (Accessed November, 2023)

  • AQI Data: (Accessed October, 2023).

Accessing AQI data: 1. Go to EPA’s website on Air Quality Data Collected at Outdoor Monitors Across the US. 2. Under “Download Data” click on “Pre-generated Data Files” 3. Click on “Tables of Daily AQI” 4. Copy the URL to the 2017 Daily AQI by County zip file 5. Read in the data from the URL using the pd.read_csv function. We store it as aqi_17. 6. Read in the data for the 2018 Daily AQI by County zip file. We store it as aqi_18.

Importing Libraries and Functions

# importing general libraries
import os
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 

#importing task specific libraries 
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches #creating legends 
import shapely
import xarray as xr 
import rioxarray as rioxr 
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from rasterio.features import rasterize #rasterizing polygons

Importing datasets

#<-----BURN SCAR-------> 

# Open the LANDSAT NetCDF file using regular open_rasterio() method
landsat = rioxr.open_rasterio(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data_fire', ''))

#open california fire perimeters file 
ca_fire = gpd.read_file('~/thomas_fire_analysis/data_fire/California_Fire_Perimeters')

## AQI data for 2017
aqi_17 = pd.read_csv("")

## AQI data for 2018
aqi_18 = pd.read_csv("")

Part 1: Visualizing Thomas Fire Burn Scar

Data Exploration: Understanding the dataset structures

We simply print columns to look at ca_fire. Thomas fire will likely be a name under “FIRE_NAME” column. It’s also got polygon geometries of the fire perimeters stored in the geometry column.

Index(['index', 'OBJECTID', 'YEAR_', 'STATE', 'AGENCY', 'UNIT_ID', 'FIRE_NAME',
       'FIRE_NUM', 'DECADES', 'SHAPE_Leng', 'SHAPE_Area', 'geometry'],
#looking at the landsat data to understand its structure
Dimensions:      (y: 731, x: 870, band: 1)
  * y            (y) float64 3.952e+06 3.952e+06 ... 3.756e+06 3.755e+06
  * x            (x) float64 1.213e+05 1.216e+05 ... 3.557e+05 3.559e+05
  * band         (band) int64 1
    spatial_ref  int64 0
Data variables:
    red          (band, y, x) float64 ...
    green        (band, y, x) float64 ...
    blue         (band, y, x) float64 ...
    nir08        (band, y, x) float64 ...
    swir22       (band, y, x) float64 ...

Updates the files and project them into the same CRS

# drop the dimensions 
landsat = landsat.squeeze().drop('band')

#see if crs's are the same 
print( == ## no!  they are not the same. We'll have to convert them to the same CRS. 

## reproject ca_fire crs to landsat crs
ca_fire = ca_fire.to_crs(

print('CRS match:', ==
CRS match: True

Plotting a true color image of Landsat data using red, green, and blue.

To plot a true color image of Landsat using R, G, B bands, we first have to adjust the scale used for plotting the bands to get a true color image. If we plot without adjusting, the image will be black and white. The issue here is the clouds: their RGB values are outliers and cause the other values to be squished when plotting. Instead, we include a robust parameter rescale.

# parameter robust (bool, optional) – If True and vmin or vmax are absent, the colormap range is computed with 2nd and 98th percentiles instead of the extreme values.
landsat[['red', 'green', 'blue']].to_array().plot.imshow(robust = True)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f506e854670>

Plotting a false color image

Creating a false color image by plotting the short-wave infrared (swir22), near-infrared, and red variables (in that order).

# creating the false color image and plotting it to see results 
fc = landsat[['swir22', 'nir08', 'red']]

fc.to_array().plot.imshow(robust = True)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f506e94d160>

Clean up ca_fire dataset to select for the desired fire perimeter

#the column titles are capitalized and some titles have strange syntax. 

#Converting to lower and doing minor cleanup. 
ca_fire.columns = ca_fire.columns.str.lower()
ca_fire.rename(columns={'year_': 'year'}, inplace=True)

#setting the index column to "index" in case it needs to be preserved, and resetting the default index column. 
index objectid year state agency unit_id fire_name inc_num alarm_date cont_date ... gis_acres comments complex_na complex_in irwinid fire_num decades shape_leng shape_area geometry
0 19836 41429 2017 CA CCO VNC BROOK 00042450 2017-05-23 2017-05-24 ... 10.043819 per walked track None None None None 2010 1246.055781 59473.666651 POLYGON ((329836.442 3778607.342, 329858.049 3...
1 19837 41430 2017 CA CCO VNC PACIFIC 00075307 2017-09-09 2017-09-09 ... 1.190109 Final Walked track. Small spot to the north east None None None None 2010 561.418202 7081.369481 POLYGON ((283091.321 3802354.285, 283072.171 3...
2 19838 41431 2017 CA CCO VNC GRADE 00054660 2017-07-04 2017-07-05 ... 47.194027 None None None None None 2010 2587.259697 279911.825212 POLYGON ((317706.428 3786632.044, 317720.407 3...

3 rows × 23 columns

Selecting the Thomas Fire perimeter

#select the row with fire_name of THOMAS, because we want the Thomas fire. 
thomas_shp = ca_fire[ca_fire['fire_name'] == 'THOMAS']

Final Output

Plotting fire perimeter + false color imagery

Creating a map showing the shortwave infrared/nir/ ed false color image together with the Thomas fire perimeter.


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5,5)) #setting up the figure & axis 

plt.axis("off") # turn axis off

fc.to_array().plot.imshow(robust = True, ax=ax) #plotting the false color imagery, and making sure it's on the same plot as the other plots 
thomas_shp.plot(ax = ax, color="none",  edgecolor="blue")

# use mpatches.Patch to update labels & legend
thomas_fire_border_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', # change color to blue
                          label='Thomas Fire Perimeter') # update label
## add a legend 
ax.legend(handles = [thomas_fire_border_patch], 
          frameon=False, # don't inlcude legend frame 
          loc = "upper right", # adjusting location of legend 
          labelcolor = "white") # adjust text visibility

ax.set_title('Thomas Fire Burn Scar, False Color Imagery')

# displaying plot

Part 2: Thomas Fire AQI Impact Analysis

Data Exploration

# Look at the structure of aqi_17, and aqi_18. Aqi_18 has the same underlying structure, just more rows.
State Name county Name State Code County Code Date AQI Category Defining Parameter Defining Site Number of Sites Reporting
0 Alabama Baldwin 1 3 2017-01-01 21 Good PM2.5 01-003-0010 1
1 Alabama Baldwin 1 3 2017-01-04 22 Good PM2.5 01-003-0010 1
2 Alabama Baldwin 1 3 2017-01-10 19 Good PM2.5 01-003-0010 1

We currently have two separate dataframes with the same structure, aqi_17 and aqi_18. We will need to “glue” them one on top of the other. The pandas function pd.concat() can achieve this.

We pass [aqi_17, aqi_18] as the input of pd.concat() and store the output as aqi.
In the next line run aqi.

👀 NOTE: When we concatenate like this, without any extra parameters for pd.concat() the indices for the two dataframes are just “glued together”, the index of the resulting dataframe is not updated to start from 0. Notice the index of aqi ends in 327536 while it has 654338 rows.

# concatenate, or "glue" aqi_17 and aqi_18 together
aqi = pd.concat([aqi_17, aqi_18])

Data Cleaning

Format aqi dataframe nicely so we can select only data from SB County - initial column names: notice caps and spaces (difficult to work with!) - re-assign the column names - .str.lower() makes them lower case - re-assign the column names again - .str.replace(’ ‘,’’) replaces the space for

# perform changes in one line: 
aqi.columns = aqi.columns.str.lower().str.replace(' ','_')

In the next cells we:

  • Select only data from Santa Barbara county and store in a new variable aqi_sb.
  • Remove the state_name, county_name, state_code and county_code columns from aqi_sb.
  • Use the dtypes attribute to check the data types of the columns.
# select rows in county_name that are "Santa Barbara" and then use drop to remove state name, county name, state_code, and county_code columns 

aqi_sb = aqi[aqi.county_name == "Santa Barbara"].drop(columns = ["state_name", "county_name", "state_code", "county_code"])

## I see that the date column is an object type. it should be a datetime object! 
date                         object
aqi                           int64
category                     object
defining_parameter           object
defining_site                object
number_of_sites_reporting     int64
dtype: object

In the next cells we:

  1. Update the date column of aqi_sb to be a datetime object.
  2. Update the index of aqi_sb to be the date column.
# select date column and update it to datetime, then reset the index using set_index
aqi_sb["date"] = pd.to_datetime(
aqi_sb.set_index('date', inplace=True)

Make an average over a rolling window.

  • We can create a new variable five_day_average with the mean of the AQI over a 5-day rolling window. To do this use the rolling() function from pandas
#Now we add the mean of the AQI over a 5-day rolling window as a new column named 'five_day_average' to the `aqi_sb` dataframe. 
aqi_sb["five_day_average"] = aqi_sb.aqi.rolling('5D').mean()

Final Output: Graphing AQI rolling averages

Making a line plot showing both the daily AQI and the 5-day average (5-day average on top of the AQI). Updating the title and colors of the graph.

# use pyplot to plot the graph. set x and y variables (there are two y variables) 

x = aqi_sb.index
y1 = aqi_sb.aqi 
y2 = aqi_sb.five_day_average

plt.plot(x, y1, label = 'AQI')
plt.plot(y2, linestyle='--', label = '5-day Average AQI')

plt.title('AQI and AQI 5-day rolling average (Jan 2017 to Jan 2019)')


We notice that:

The AQI increases drastically during the Thomas fire (December of 2018) along with a drastic increase in the 5 day rolling average. The air quality was over 250 AQI.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Hamilton, Flora},
  title = {Visualizing the {Thomas} {Fire’s} {Burn} {Scar} and {AQI}
  date = {2023-12-08},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Hamilton, Flora. 2023. “Visualizing the Thomas Fire’s Burn Scar and AQI Impacts.” December 8, 2023.